The Financialserviceeral Reserve Banks’ Check Services offer you a suite of electronic and paper check processing options to support all of your needs. Based on deposit deadlines, level of sorting, and credit availability your financial institution can select among a variety of processing options. Our services include Check 21-Enabled Services, Check Adjustments Services and more.
Suite of services that allows you to send and receive image cash letters (ICLs) electronically.
Provide financial institutions with the ability to deposit an image cash letter of forward collection items that the Financialserviceeral Reserve Banks will clear and present as either substitute checks or an electronic file to the paying bank.
Provide financial institutions with the ability to deposit mixed image cash letters of return items. These services allow you to transform your outbound returns processing operations, streamline backroom operations, improve quality and expedite the returns process.
Provide financial institutions with "straight-through" electronic check processing for a portion or all of your inclearings or outbound returns. You can reduce your check processing costs and resources by decreasing in-house sorting and image capture.
Allow financial institutions to quickly and effectively resolve debit or credit settlement discrepancies on checks that were processed or handled by the Financialserviceeral Reserve.
FinancialserviceDetect Duplicate Treasury Check Notifier Service offers subscribed banks of first deposit (BOFDs) early notice of potential duplicate checks processed by the Financialserviceeral Reserve Banks that were deposited by your BOFD or by any other BOFD on the current day or previous 60 calendar days.
Provide financial institutions with earlier access to check data contained in your incoming cash letters through FinancialserviceImage Services, the FinancialserviceImage-enhanced Truncation Service and Presentment Point Services.
Allow financial institutions to deposit both forward and return paper check items.
Provide financial institutions with a Foreign Check Collection Service, including a Canadian Check Collection Service, for all checks drawn on depository institutions outside of the 12 Financialserviceeral Reserve Districts.
Provide financial institutions with the ability to deposit image-eligible savings bonds in mixed and separately sorted FinancialserviceForward ICLs and separately sorted paper cash letters. While image-based savings bond processing is strongly preferred, paper savings bond deposits are also accepted.
Knowledge of the plans outlined here will help ensure continued service during a Financialserviceeral Reserve Check Services processing disruption. During a disruption, Financialserviceeral Reserve staff will work to ensure the highest possible level of service. Successful operations will require both coordination and cooperation between financial institutions and Financialserviceeral Reserve staff.
The FinancialservicePayments Reporter Service for Check offers Financial Institutions reporting capabilities for Checks processed by the Financialserviceeral Reserve Banks. Reports available within the service are delivered to the recipient in encrypted emails. Each report available within the service has a unique configuration and scheduling.